
After suffering from an outbreak, I decided that I wanted to pay more attention to what I was putting in my body, because I couldn't for the life of me figure out what exactly was causing these darn spots. I always find myself just grabbing something when I'm out and about without giving it a second thought, and I'm convinced that it was on one of these thoughtless occasions, that my skin just had enough, and broke out like crazy... for about two weeks!

I am proof that it's not just about the the creams, face washes, types of make-up etc, you put on your skin, it's also about the inside, so I've decided to try a 7-day healthy detox- one for each day of the week!

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that drinking a glass of water is best first thing after you wake up, as it's supposed to boost your metabolism. So, every morning I will be drinking a refreshing variation of one of these detox's and documenting how I feel internally and externally.

So, heres the seven recipes I've chosen:

Day 1 - Strawberry and Lemon
Day 2 - Raspberry, Peach and Kiwi
Day 3 - Raspberry and Vanilla
Day 4 - Orange and Lemon
Day 5- Strawberry, Lime and Cucumber
Day 6 - Apple and Cinnamon
Day 7 - Kiwi and Lime

I have looked at so many different recipes, and I have chosen these seven because they are most appealing to me in taste, and I think they have the best health benefits for the results that I'm after.

So, here goes...

Recipe 1: Strawberry and Lemon - 6 - 8 Strawberries; 1 Lemon;  Pinch of Basil (optional).

I'm easing myself in with this citrusy & sweet version, so by Day 7, I will be able to drink the Kiwi and Lime, with no problems - which I expect will be ridiculously sour!

So, here it is. Literally mouthwatering isn't it?!

As well as this detox, I am going to try to eat clean- which means no alcohol, and drinking a good amount of water each day. I feel fuller and better when I drink lots of water, but If I drink too much, I can literally feel the water swirling around in my stomach, which just makes me feel ill, and that is never cute! So I'll be drinking enough to stay hydrated, and no more!

I'm really excited and cannot wait to embark on this detox journey, we'll see if there are any noticeable differences... fingers crossed!