
I am obsessed with eyebrows, probably because growing up I always hated mine, until I turned about 16 and realised I had an arch I could work with. Eyebrows frame the face, and a good brow can change its whole appearance.

With this in mind, I thought it appropriate to do a small piece on it.

Here are some of the best tips that I've learned along the way...

1. Decide on a shape for your face type. The best five shapes are straight, rounded, arched, steeply arched and s-shaped. My eyebrows are naturally steeply arched, so I go with their natural shape. Audrey Hepburn has a more straight brow, whilst someone like Beyonce's eyebrows are more rounded.

2. Stay true to your shape. If you go too thin, you will just end up pencilling them in, and waiting for the darn things to grow. If you over-pluck for a long period of time, you could find yourself with permanently thin eyebrows, as the hair will just stop coming back!

3. Eyebrows should obviously start from the front of the eye, inline with the inner corner. A trick I use is the pencil trick; put a pencil at the front of your eye to see if your brow is in line with the inner corner. Your arch should also be slightly beyond your iris.

4. Trim any long or stray hairs using a brow comb and small hair scissors.

5. Fill your brows in, but only if they need it. You don't have to use pencils, you can use brow powders, which can give a softer, more hair like appearance, or a combination of both methods, like me!

And now for Plucking Tips...

Now to take the plunge! If you've spent ages growing your eyebrows back, from a serious eyebrow malfunction, or have never plucked, this may seem a daunting prospect. But there is really nothing to it...

1. Soften the skin before plucking by using warm water or moisturiser on the skin around the eyebrow. Plucking straight after a shower is a good idea too!

2. Tweeze in the same direction that the hair grows.

3. Don't manufacture a false arch or change where your brows peak, it might come off a little Cruella De Vil, and that's never good.

4. Never fill in the entire brow with pencil or powder, just in the places where hair is sparse.

5. Use the brow pencil on it's side or gently rub the pencil on your hand prior to using it on the brows. This will avoid any unnatural or harsh lines.

6. Fix brows with a brow gel, clear mascara, or failing that, hairspray. Apply to a cotton bud to avoid contamination, and gently brush on brows.

7. Always pluck, never shave. When shaving, the hair just comes back thicker, and you will never get a natural shape using a razor.

8. Follow these simple tips and you'll have brows to die for ;)
I hope you enjoyed my brow rambling :)

Thanks for reading.